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Website Irrigation Company (First Job)

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:26 am
by dellas_capua
Hello guys!
So this is my first professional job using WWB!
Once I read right here in the forum a message that Pablo said that with WWB gives to do what you imagine, being that the limit is your creativity!
With this concept in mind, I started working on this project, which is an irrigation company! As the company's primary focus is to "play water," then the website would also have to have the same philosophy! ;)
Note: No, I did not make him responsive because the idea was not this one. I know they will throw me rocks for this, but I had in mind that the site was to be seen on a computer myself! In the future I will adapt it to be seen correctly on mobile devices!
Any suggestion, hint, trick or even criticism is very welcome!
Then that's it! A hug to everyone!

Re: Website Irrigation Company (First Job)

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 11:30 pm
by prman
looks great! :D