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Re: jor_accordion 9.0b

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 10:12 pm
by jordan
Juul wrote:Why does the small font and the narrow page open?
hello Juul,

I believe you have "include min-width in CSS3 media queries" enabled inside the iframe (pages) ? - disable them

Re: jor_accordion 9.0b

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 7:58 pm
by Juul
Yes, That's the one!! It works.


Can I ask you another question. Is it possible to edit the font size fot responsice (320px) design?

Thanks Juul

Re: jor_accordion 9.0b

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:28 pm
by jordan
Juul wrote:Can I ask you another question. Is it possible to edit the font size fot responsice (320px) design?
no, a.f.a.i.k the extension builder does not allow additional specific styling for breakpoints - (only dedicated position/dimension variables)
but you can create a somewhat copycat function, - jor_accordion follows ie. a WB Text object

if you want to do that ? - follow this:) - a copycat function ... step by step ...

- add a WB Text object to the same page jor_accordion is on
- change the id of the WB Text object to - copycat
- for the WB Text object enable the property - enable responsive font

add the following code between the <HEAD> of your Page HTML

$(function() {
var $cc=$('#wb_copycat'), $joracc=$('.accordion1');
$(window).on('load resize',function() {

change the - copycat - WB Text object style and jor_accordion will follow it's style (family/size)

hope this helps!

Re: jor_accordion 9.0b

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 6:09 pm
by Juul
Thanks I will try this.