
This section is for posting questions which are not directly related to WYSIWYG Web Builder.
Examples of off topics: web server configuration, hosting, programming related questions, third party scripts.

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Senior Paper Monitor
Posts: 36
Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:07 pm


Post by Senior Paper Monitor »

We don't have any e-commerce requirements as such (I might consider a single online payment option ur 'one off' fees - but it is not a driving factor).

However, as we are planning a complete company re-organisation (revolving around a move from self employed to limited company status) at the year end, I am considering relocating our website(s) to an https enabled host. the fications being:

1) Some practical benefits in SEO (Google indicate they prioritise such sites with a light weighting benefit - and 'every little helps')

2) I think I can then use form responses but do away with the endless 'email is not secure' warnings that the Financial Conduct Authority make us display currently

3) There is a growing 'comfort factor' to some users in seeing the 'https' designation and padlock designator(particularly as we are dealing with their confidential personal data on a regular basis

Two questions ...

1) would you agree with the above (incidentally we view the cost implications as minimal within the overall scheme of things) ?

2) is there anything I have particularly to bear in mind when site building/uploading etc ?
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